Our Story


Launch of Real Estate Office BAILET IMMOBILIER in Evian by Claude BAILET.


Laurent BAILET joins the family business and is in charge of developing and managing the offices of Thonon-les-Bains and Evian-les-Bains.


Claude BAILET goes on retirement and handover the company to his son including the Real Estate Development.


Laurent BAILET delivers his first projects: Le Belvédère in Publier, La Villa Royale in Evian-les-bains and Belle Rivein St Gingolph…


First step in Middle East, with project sold around Leman Lake through an agency based in Dubai.


Laurent BAILET and his daughter Marie open a Real Estate office in Abu Dhabi and a second one in Kuwait: Vendome International Property.


The wife of Laurent Bailet, Bernadette creates the concierge department dedicated to vacation homes around Leman Lake: BAILET PRIVILEGES SERVICES.


BAILET GROUP moves their offices in Le France Residence in Thonon-les-Bains which had been built by the father and manager of Bailet Immobilier at that time.


BAILET IMMOBILIER becomes BAILET GROUP covering the main real estate activities: Real estate development with sales of new properties in the entire Chablais region, real estate transaction, including sales of older properties in Evian, Thonon and Portes du Soleil, and concierge services.


With 4 years of experience as a real estate agent in the agencies of Evian and Thonon, Marie BAILET MAHMOUCH moves to Dubai where she would stay for next 6 years to develop our two offices located in UAE and Kuwait. She also creates a dedicated service to French expats who wish to invest in France.


BAILET DECORATION department is created, in order to assist our clients in with interior designs and home decor. This service gives advice on furniture and decoration by understanding client’s choice.


Juliette BAILET joins the family business in order to assist her dad in real estate development & management as well as on new project study and preparation.


Marie BAILET MAHMOUCH returns back to France to take over the management of the 4 offices in Chablais while keep traveling abroad for our international offices.

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